I get so jealous of all of the bloggers who have chickens. I have been reading “THE URBAN HOMESTEAD” by Kelly Coyne and Erik Knutzen, part of their book makes a lot of sense to my chicken decision. They writes in their book if you have “vampire hours” (Which I do) chickens are probably not for you. So my hopes of having three little ladies in my back yard, while not dashed, but postponed until I retire and have the time to go out in the morning and let them out of their coop. And lets say I am more than disappointed, but folks, reality has to take center stage with me once in awhile and considering your talking about an animal, I have to think of them first! Chickens need some of your time and care to live healthy, wonderful lives. That and the fact they wake up about the time I fall asleep just won’t work. So I will hold off joining the chicken fray. For now. (Just 4 more years to retirement!!!) Or until someone invents a breed of chicken that keeps Swing Shift hours.
I don't blame you, they do require work and someone to take care of them if you go away! I have three children, so they help me out when needed!
No Excuses Rob, sounds like a problem that technology can fix...see automatic chicken coop door...
My excuse is lack of space to share with them and would feel guilty when grilling chicken breasts on the BBQ with them running around.
cool pic check out my site i used it if thats okay?
dekun- it is a public domain pic from google- so feel free!
I would think that maybe you could work out an arrangement with a neighbor where they let you chickens out or in in exchange for some of their eggs. Their poop is wonderful for corn and would do wonders to your compost bin.
just a suggestion:)
I guess I have just been extremely lucky in that I just let mine put themselves to bed at night. Their door stays open. I'm going on six years now of raising hens and never lost one to predation. I guess if it ever did happen I would take greater steps to secure them but so far so good. They are in a heavily treed area so maybe that helps? Rob, if you're ever in Burien, stop by and I'll give you some eggs.
Suzanne- If i am ever in burien? I live in Burien. LOL.
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