Looks like it is that time of year again- an oppurtunity for some lucky folks to play with my balls. You can roll them in your hands, juggle them, slap them together. Or you can just plant them. We are talking Seed Ballz folks. And my annual win Rob's ballz giveaway. And this year, to help celebrate the Urban Homesteader in all of us, all the choices are Basil Balls... a great blend of Lemon Basil, Italian Basil, Thai Basil, Opal Basil. This mix of ‘easy-grow’ savory herbs are a good collection for the beginning gardener. Just the thing for the New Urban Homesteader to get started. This year there will be three winners, each will win a package of Seed Ballz (8 balls per pack) enough to keep a small family in fragrant basil for a year!
To enter just leave a comment to this post, along with contact information, winners (3 in all) will be chosen on Friday, March 4,2011 at 11pm. Good Luck to all!!!
Mmmmmm, basil! Add me to this one, please!
Always wanted to try these, count me in.
Awesome! Thanks for the chance to win!
beastbunny at hotmail dot com
Hahaha, sounds good…count me in!!!
Awesome! Count me in please. :)
danitaberg2000 at gmail dot come
oh, i need some ballz!! great idea!
ooh! count me in too!
mmm who could resist such an attractive offer?? :-) nickymatt at hotmail dot com
heck yeah! Basil is delish!
Always need more basil. Add me too please! Thanks for the great giveaway.
How would these basil ballz do in a hot climate? Enter me in the contest. leinberger@hotmail.com
Oo oo, me, me!!
Ooh! There is not enough basil in the world- so yummy!
I would love to try your seed balls. Please count me in and if I win you can contact me at (annethas@tx.rr.com).
Ooh! Yes, please! I'd love a chance to win these. Thanks for your generosity! epicure at yahoo dott comm will get a message to me.
I can smell basil just reading this! And...now I am hungry.
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