Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy New Year!!!

Well another year has come and another has gone... what did I change over the past year to help green up my life? the following list is from the One Small Change challenge:

Get my prescriptions mail order- saves money and the bottles are recyclable- as opposed to the #5 bottles that I get from the pharmacies

Using paper yard waste bags to dispose of Sammy Cat's used litter- as opposed to using a plastic bag. Keeps the garbage men happy and me as well- not to mention Sammy Cat

Save on paper towels- use a squeegee to wipe down fogged mirror

Charge my cell phone using the car (dc) charger- found out that this does not increase gas usage as one reader commented on.

Showering with the door open- no need to run the exhaust fan plus it helps humidify the house

Shave in a bowl and save grey water to water plants

Major projects In 2010:

A lot planned. None came to fruition. So I have the same list for this year.Starting with a bike shed in the front yard- The thought being that if it is easier to get to- so will the choice to take the bike as opposed to the car.

Also in 2010- I got an allotment at the local "P-patch that I share with mom. After the realization that she would have to work it though, she is not so keen on keeping with it. Her son, though, thinks it would be the perfect spot to plant some plants that he doesn't have room for at home so he is keeping it in the family!

I quit cigarettes. I went to "e-cigarettes" for a change and have an occasional social smoke, but no more tobacco.

NEW FOR 2011:

My I.S.O. InSignificant Other is moving out- that will green up this household... No one running the A/C in the middle of winter, no lights on all hours of the day and night, No more Styrofoam clam shells, plastic forks and cups and bottles! No more 20 minute showers. No more hot water laundry! I expect my water and power bills to go down! I might even try indoor clothes drying!

I resolve not to make any resolutions. I notice others have chosen to stick with the One Small Change challenge.. that works for me!

1 comment:

The 4 Bushel Farmgal said...

Hi Rob,

I'll be looking forward to your ideas for changes in 2011! I've learned some great tips from you. Thanks, and best wishes for a wonderful new year :)