I just received an award!!! THE VERSATILE BLOGGER AWARD! LOL I had to look at twice- the first time I thought it said Versatile Bugger
In any case, the Versatile Blogger Award was passed on to me from Chile Chews. Y’all know I just love Chile’s Matter of Fact blogging style. She don’t take crap from no one! Unless you are a farmer giving away manure!
As part of the award process, I am to share seven things with my readers that you may not know. And like Chile, I've been blabbing online for years, now that's hard to come up with!
I AM CRAZY about mysteries. Not just detective stories. My favorites have to have an animal involved. I actually get cranky when I think my favorite author of all time, Ms. Rita Mae Brown and her co-author and pet cat, Sneaky Pie, don’t come out with a new Mrs. Murphy series installment when I think they should.
I AM ADDICTED TO CSI and NCIS- I can and do watch episodes of those crime shows over and over again.
I AM ALSO ADDICTED TO Infomercials. There I said it. You want my attention do it in an infomercial. Works for Ron Popeil, Billy Mays and Jack LaLaine! But your infomercial actually has to be a product that I can see the good in purchasing! No ShamWow’s at this house! Honestly, I have nothing against Sham Wow's- I think that anything that will keep you from using a forest worths of paper towels is good. But Vince, really? He reminds of those A-Holes from High School
I OCCASIONALLY RUB SHOULDERS WITH THE RICH AND FAMOUS- Have I ever mentioned I have met Wayne Newton? For my Birthday a few years back we went to Las Vegas. And one of the highlights was my Birthday Dinner was at one of the local casinos there in Vegas with a show starring Mr. Vegas himself!And after the show we had a meet and greet with him! To prove it here is a picture of me and Wayne.

ME and my friend Wayne…That’s Mr. Newton to use guyz.
I HAVE WORKED AT THE SAME PLACE FOR HALF MY LIFE- That was a hard to swallow when I realized it.
I HAVE THOUGHTS about writing a book about my DIY Adventures, but that’s probably something I won’t do.
NOW: I need to pass this on to five other bloggers:
I HAVE THOUGHTS about writing a book about my DIY Adventures, but that’s probably something I won’t do.
NOW: I need to pass this on to five other bloggers:
1 Fleecenik Farm- talented knitter, Mother of two, wife of one, works real hard on her family's homestead in Maine
2- Cheap Vegetable Gardener- Inventor, fellow NW Gardener who likes to keep me busy with projects and Ideas in the garden
3- 4 Bushel Farm- very talented seamstress, she always fascinates with idea and projects in turning 2Nd hand clothing into new fashion!
4- Green Roof Growers - amazing garden and chicken projects from their roof top garden in Chicago
5- All of you reading this- why not?
Thank you, Rob! You're so sweet to include me with these talented folks!
I'll post about this tonight :)
Thankyou. I am humbled and Honored:)
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