Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Making my own Lettuce Basket

I posted the instructions on making a "Lettuce Basket" last week. Well the oppurtunity came to make my own! I was at dollar tree and they had hanging cage basket that match up with coco- fibre. Know ing a bit about using coco- fibre, I bought two. That is one difference between the Original and mine- they had used moss.

I soaked the coco fibre liner for about a half hour (seems to make it more pliable and "mold-able" and easier to poke holes in. Now one thing about coco fiber liners--- the are extremely porous, so I put a liner inside the liner- a plastic shopping bag. The holes you poke in the liner and the bag should allow enough drainage. So I proceeded to put eight lettuce plants in the sides at random, then filled with dirt (planting mix) and plant 4 more lettuce plants on top. This is the finished product:
Will it look like this?

Only time will tell- keep your fingers crossed!

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