How I like to store fresh chard- In a jar with water to keep it fresh
But it has one problem- the stem. Personally I like the stems in cooked chard- so no problem. But lately I have been dehydrating my chard (thanks to Chile) so a problem came up what to do with the stems?
When dehydrating chard, following Chile’s directions I cut the green off from the stem- what to do with the stems? I steamed them with a little fresh parsley and some of the chard greens. Add a dab of fake butter and presto instant side dish! I also like the stems in place of celery for a snack!
Steamed Chard Stems
About 1 cup of Swiss Chard Stems, chopped into 1” pieces
Butter or Butter substitute like Earth Balance (note: I have recently discovered this butter substitute- it is vegan friendly and tastes great)
Simply cut the stems into 1” pieces, put into steamer and steam for 10-15 minutes or until tender. Put a pat of butter spread on them.
Other Uses for leftover Swiss chard stems: I like to use them like celery stalks. I simply dip them raw into ranch dressing (Abbie has a great Ranch Dressing recipe)
I also like to chop chard stems, saute them in a little olive oil and use them in omlettes, or mixed with rice
Chop and use raw in salads in place of celery.
Freeze the chard stems:
simply blanch the chopped chard stems and freeze as you would any other vegetable and use in soups or dishes or steam and eat as is.
I've never eaten chard, but I want to try it. Thanks for the tips, maybe next time I stare at it in the store I'll work of the nerve to buy some.
What do y'all do with the dried chard? I use a lot of dried kale, but chard seems sweeter & more tender.
I had no idea you could even dehydrate swiss chard. I've never had it, so I wouldn't know how to eat it! But it is an interesting idea... I guess you'd crumble them into soups as a garnish?
Chile- the stems are great!
Abbie- Hitch up yer hoop skirt and get on the Chard Wagon!
Rosa- I like to eat them like chips
DP- YOu can use them in soupas and sauces or just eat them, If you re-hydrate them you can eat like spinach
just...plain? Salted? are they crumbly or crunchy (or both?) I totally want to try this, now.
I dry kale & use it in soups & quiches and I spent some time trying to make something nori-like (but failed).
We planted more borage seeds today, because the first ones died of frost, and I thought about your cheater borage pictures.
Rosa I do both kinds. For general use I dont salt except for some salt in the blanching water, for snacks I liberally salt them when I put them on the dehydrator
Chard stems are wonderful in stir fries!
Swiss chard stems are wonderful in stir fries!
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