Wednesday, January 14, 2009

News of a different sort

I may not be dog less anymore. I go Friday morning to meet my possible new pup, a Cock-A-Poo whose owner abandoned him at a boarding Kennel. He is 3 years old and according to the kennel owner looks like a Cocker Spaniel with poodle hair. And he needs hair cuts! (One of my best memories of my first yorkie Max, was taking to get him groomed monthly- we would make a whole day of it, He would get groomed and then we would go to the park and have a picnic, sometimes go to pets mart after to look at dog toys)Anyway sounds promising.


The Pirate Farmer said...

Sounds cute! Post some photos:)

Jennifer said...

Can't wait to see pics! I'm partial to those poodly pups (having two myself- only one from rescue, but she has enough issues for BOTH of them!- wait... I don't mean to scare you... we KNEW she had issues when we got her).

Good for you for giving that sweet pup a chance at a real home!

Anonymous said...

: ) Sounds nice. I hope it's a good match!

Farmer's Daughter said...

Good luck! Nothing heals an owner's broken heart as fast as a new pup!

Robj98168 said...

Pirate Farmer- I will post pics

Chile- Thanks

Jennifer- since my last 6 pets have been rescues I am will prepared for issues!

Melinda- I hope so too

Farmers Daughter- Not so much for healing a broken heart, but rather filling the mepty space that is their since spike and binky passed