Sunday, January 18, 2009

May I introduce ROMEO

Here is the dog formerley known as Romi. I renamed him Romeo. Just so I could see the looks on my neighbors faces when I am outside yelling " Romeo, Romeo where for art thou Romeo?"
It takes so little to amuse me.
He is a bundle of energy, not unlike the Jack Russell two houses down. He met Topaz the labrador. All is fine there. She didn't get all crochety about him being around. Sammy the cat is another story. He looked at me when I brought Romi home and the expression on his face was "What the hell is THAT???" Now Romeo is sleeping on his spot on my bed. That will go over big!
We have already had our first go out to Petsmart and a little later we will walk around the neighborhood. It is good to have a dog again!


Anonymous said...

He is so cute. Good luck getting kitty to adjust. JenK

Anonymous said...

What a sweetie - congratulations to both of you on finding each other. : )

Farmer's Daughter said...


Julie said...

Love the name. I would love to see your neighbors' faces when you call him! What a great dog.

rosiegirl said...

Romeo is a cutie.

Allie said...

Congratulations on your new dog! We named our new one Stella b/c standing in the yard yelling Stella! like Brando doesn't stop being funny. :)

Romeo is quite the cutie!

The Pirate Farmer said...

That's funny! He is so cute. I have a photo of Juliet's balcony in Verona you should Photoshop yourself into!