Sharon's Independence Days Challenge- Year two, week 6
1. Plant something: My six pack of plants (corn, strawberries, mint and pumpkins) I bought at the Farmers’ Market; put my bird gourd plants in the ground;
2. Harvest something: Radishes, some scallions, strawberries
3. Preserve something: Dehydrated some jerky and vacuumed sealed in Mason Jars
4. Reduce Waste (recycle, reuse, reduce, repair or compost something): Donated some plant pots for Sustainable Burien to put strawberry plants in to give out at the Burien Strawberry Festival; some coffee grounds from Starbucks some in the worm bin, some directly in the soil (on my acid loving plants) and the rest in the compost- same thing coffee grounds from home and work; made some worm bedding out of newpaper; the usual recyling and composting
5. Preparation and Storage: Vacum sealed some beef jerky
6. Build Community Food Systems: Donated some plant pots for Sustainable Burien to put strawberry plants in to give out at the Burien Strawberry Festival; saved coupons for food bank to buy food
7. Eat the Food: radishes, used the scallions in an omelete; ate the strawberries while wlaking around watering the garden
8. Cook or eat something new: Nope
Melinda’s Growing Challenge :Transplanted the last of my tomatoes; planted the bird gourd plants
MELINDA'S BUY SUSTAINABLY CHALLENGE: But some parts to make a collapsible table (am using some pvc lattice strips I already had); bought some plants and bread at the farmers’ market
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