Sharon's Independence Days Challenge-
Plant Something: Planted shallots, got tomato plants started as well as my pumpkins and summer squash
Harvest Something: Some sprout mixture
Preserve something: Nothing of note
Store something: Some brown rice in a big bag that was on sale into mason jars and vacuumed packed
Manage Reserves: Drew up some ideas on making the laundry/pantry more efficient- better outlay
Cook Something New: Just the Sloppy Jose’s- never made them with TVP before; experimented with making “Mexican Pizza”, a type of tostado; never made meatless before now
Prep Something: Finishing up on the potato condo- ran out of screws and staples on Sunday evening all the stores are closed; making up some SWP’s (Self watering Planters);
Reduce Waste: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Repair: made another bird bath from lamp parts I had on hand as a gift; No gift wrapping in three gifts I gave this week; used some old lumber in making my potato planter;
Learn a New Skill: Studying up on bending rebar, got instruction on making a bender, figured out how to make a rebar bender- need to get parts and make it
Work on Community Food Security: Went to a sustainable Burien meeting, one of the local churches would like to donate some it's land for P-Patches, Great possibility- very exciting
MELINDA'S BUY SUSTAINABLY CHALLENGE: Did not buy anything this week except for some neoprene rubber washers for bird bath I made for my cousin; Just groceries and a big bag of Brown Rice that was on sale
Crunchy’s Freeze Yer Balls off Challenge: Balls still frozen- doesn’t know it a'int supposed to snow Thermostats still set to 55 when gone or sleeping 65 when home (It is snowing while I am typing this- trace amount but still
Hey, I love the toilet tube planters. I picked up some roma seeds and starter soil. I've got last year's plastic thingy's saved but when I run out we'd better be saving toilet tubes.
Hey, I love the toilet tube planters. I picked up some roma seeds and starter soil. I've got last year's plastic thingy's saved but when I run out we'd better be saving toilet tubes.
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