Wednesday, March 18, 2009

MacDougle...McDougel... MacDougell... Whatever

Rob's McDougalled Sorbet

I sometimes get inspired. I won a copy of the New McDougall Cookbook, Over at Chile's McDougalling blog. Of course Chile thinks its funny I have a hard time spelling McDougall. Not my fault- When I was in school, I had a friend by the last name of MacDougle. I would always misspell his name- so I concentrated and concentrated on spelling his name. Now they want me to spell Mcdougall. Anyway I made Banana Ice Cream last week from the cookbook. This week I am straying from the recipe- I made an Orange Sorbet using an orange instead of a Banana. Very good and refreshing, I am thinking of trying lemons, limes, berries. Anyway here is my or rather Dr. McDougall's Recipe:

Rob's McDougalled Orange Sorbet

1 large orange or 2 small ones (I think next time I will use blood oranges)

1/4 to 1/3 cup of Soy milk (if you are not into soy milk, you can use cow's milk)

1 Tblsp. Blue Agave nectar (Not in the original Banana Ice Cream recipe)

Peel, section and freeze the orange(s) at least 12 hours before using. Place orange sections in Blender or food processor. Turn on processor, add milk. Process for about 1 minute. Serve in bowls.

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