It's Official- although my mom would believe it- my yard has been certified a Wildlife Habitat! I joined the National Wildlife Federation. And by agreeing to provide food, water (birdbaths) cover and places for my animal friends to raise their young, I met the requirements to be a Certified Wildlife Habitat. And I get to display this cool sign:
So now I live in a Wildlife habitat. My dreams have beem fulfilled. Even if the wildlife consists of nothing but Squirrels, Barn Swallows, a few rats, a few feral cats, a over exuberant cocka-poo, a wily black cat, and a very retired guide dog! But now I cannot remove all the blackberries- well some of them should stay for a place for the animals to run and cover. Not a lot of responsibility.
If you want to be certified a Wildlife habitat it is easy. Go to NWF, and follow the easy steps- If you live in an apartment, condo, house or mansion you can very easily qualify- simple steps like a bird bath or a butterfly puddling bath, a clay pot put upside down with a entrance hole makes a great home for frogs, toads and turtles, a bird house works as a shelter or a mason bee house, s little planting for food for the animals or a bird feeder. It is so easy and there are so many solutions to make life a little easier for our animal friends. Here is a list of resoursces for getting started
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