You know sometimes the answers are so simple, you feel like a real idiot when you find them. I know there are no stores that sell bulk items like beans and spices like at Whole Foods in my area. So I thought. I stopped into our local “health” food store today, The Grainery, and what did I find? Spices in bulk. Nutmeg nuts, chili powder, mustard in bulk! And a bonus I found sprouting supplies in bulk. They sell lids for the Mason Jars, sprouters, mung beans, seeds for sprouting in bulk, wheat grass juicers! Within walking distance of my house! I guess you got to get out in your neighborhood to see what’s there! Anyway, I happily bought some mung beans, broccoli seeds and a sprouting mixture of Fenugreek, Lentil, Kamut and Adzuki Bean. All this and I didn’t have to mail order nothing! Just take a nice walk three blocks from my house! They also sell food mills, dehydrator supplies, food storage supplies, and dried fruit! (Love those pineapple rings)
What surprises do you have in your neighborhood?The Grainery
13269 1st Ave SBurien, WA 98168
JAM- I am glad you keep trying- If I could find a Bulk bin store here in Burien, I would buy beans and such there but as it is I buy plain lentils at the grocery and they sprout just fine
Hurray! You're gonna make mustard and then the Farksters can make fun of you too!
FPF- I guarantee you they won't sya much about it if and when I make mustard- If they do they have to put up with the Wrath of Rob- which almost happened when they messed with you!
CHILE ; Yeh I love it when i find little treasures like that- but at the same time I feel kinda dumb because I walk by the resource and it was always there for the using!
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