Friday, September 5, 2008

Gas saving tip o' the day

Before- my trunk runneth over
LOSE TRUNK WEIGHT, JUMBO-I found a new way to increase the gas mileage of my vehicles. Unload your trunk. Today's cars are built for very little tolerance of weight.This is a trick from hyper milers- they will not only unload the trunk, they will take out seats and the spare tire, and other things I am just not ready to do. But I can unload the crap out of my trunk. Upon a recent inventory of my trunk, I have a bag of rocks (for landscaping), a bag of top soil, miscellaneous tools,Cans of paint, which weigh in all total approximately 160 pounds or 1 average person. "Hey fat ass, get outta my car!" Anyway with that all removed and a few items from the back seat- (Amazing how one person can get all this into one sub-compact car, but hey when you have talents...). And the next time you have a flat and don't have to spend an hour taking everything out of your trunk to get to the spare, you'll thank me.

What? You don't carry a 60 pound bag of crushed marble in your trunk?

Now it is clean ORGANIZE-
Now some folks like to put organizers in there car to keep things separate. And I have seen these things for sale at ridiculous prices! I say scaaaaaaareeeeeeew that and use what you got. You can put things in plastic grocery bags even. Me- I choose to use all the lap top bags I have. This way you can reuse an item and organize your trunk at the same time. I have also used 1 gallon plastic plant pots(for loose tools), milk crates. Anything that fits.
After- Clean and light! Yes I know it still needs vacumming!


DP Nguyen said...

Yep, an empty trunk is a good thing. Saves lots of gas. I also heard if you drive 40 mph, that's the optimum miles for saving gas. I try to avoid gas stations with ethanol. Kroger used to be free of ethanol and my gas lasted much longer than it did when i went to the stations with 10 percent ethanol. It might be cleaner to burn, but it did save me money. Too bad, the kroger here has switched to ethanol, which means more money for me on gas. :-(

ib mommy said...

I use cat litter buckets. Not only can you keep all your crap in them, you can take all your crap out and tote it around. It also comes in handy as a nice stool. When I was taking a plant ID class I kept all my pruning shears and notes and samples in my bucket. When I went to class I just grabbed the bucket and also had something to sit on while listening to the instructor. And.... when it rains all your crap stays dry!

Robj98168 said...

dp- that is interesting- I did not know that ethanol made a car less effiecient

ib- Great idea. Now i gotta get me a cat who uses the bucket litter. If you get too many buckets you can make earthtainer planters