Monday, April 21, 2008


Well tomorrow it is Earth Day 2008. What I wanna know is where the hell is my electric vehicle??? Why oh why detroit must I wait so long??? LOL If I was Ed Begley Jr. I would get one sooner on the company's hopes I would endorse it. Anyway enough of that drivel. I will be celelebrating Earth day tomorrow by planting 2 trees I bought long before Chicken Womman's challenge and one I got for my birthday. LOL I was kidding around Chicken womman's blog and said I was going to put up my Earth Day Lights and my Earth day wreath all made out of plastic. Hope she don't take me too serious! But I am gonna plant my trees as well as make a diagram of the front yard to get ready for some full blown manly landscaping! oh what fun I have!


Crunchy Chicken said...

You were kidding? What about running around the neighborhood nekkid? I was going to send in an anonymous tip to the Burien police.

Robj98168 said...

I ran around the neighborhod nekkid and no one noticed...except one old gal who told me my suit was wrinkled