I talked to the
vetrinarian on Friday- They want orange cat to come in for a Ultra sound on his tummy and heart. My mom of course said that would be enough for her to put
tuff down- but not for me. The vet said that if they don't find anything
Tuff could be treated with medication but what he doesn't know.
He was talking biopsies and all sorts of stuff. I guess I will
cross that bridge when I come to it.
In my last post I said I have a menagerie of unwanted animals. I guess i should explain that. My
yorkie Binkey came from the local Yorkshire terrier rescue. He was there because his former owner had no time for him. My pug was from a gal at work
who'd decided her family had lost interest in him. The Chocolate Lab was my
roommate martin's mothers former seeing eye dog- she was fired, not a good seeing eye dog-
she liked to go off and chase things like squirrels and
other dogs- not good when you are working. My cats- Sammy found me the first
Christmas I lived here - my neighbor and I figure the family down the street just left him when they moved- he had been feeding him for about a week when this little fluffy black kitty came up to me and
Meowed and rubbed my legs and was purring like a demon... and T
uff, well originally I adopted him for my mom's neighbor lady on the proposal that if
and when she passed on I would make sure
Tuff had a home. She did and I kept my word. that is the short story of how I got my current animals. regular zoo going on here.
So that is
how come I said unwanted animals. I urge anyone out there looking for a pet to adopt an unwanted pet from a shelter or rescue society. You will get
lots of love in a great package!