Newsweek has done it. Treehugger has done it, And of course Oprah has done it.And Organic Picks done it. Not to be outdone, (and because I am a lazy, blogger who doesn't have an original thought today) here are my picks for best Christmas gifts of 2008.
1- Mason Jars- preferably the 1/2 pint wide mouth size. You can never have enough of these little buggers.
2- A Kill-A-Watt- I actually have one of these somewhere in this house. It is perfect to use to find out which appliance uses too much electricity(you wouldn't believe what a coffee pot uses!) The perfect gift for someone who is a geek or has "geek-like" tendencies.
3-Seeds or a gift certificate to a favorite seed company!
4-Gift certificate to HARBOR FREIGHT (or as I call it Toys-R-Us). Okay the packaging is a bit much, but great prices on Solar garden lights, tools, Wool blankets and dutch ovens! Lots of gardening supplies for cheap as well.
5-A Terrapass Subscription for 2009- I have them for 3 of the cars and the scooter.
6- Books- They don't need to be wrapped!Just a simple nice ribbon or bow or even tie a nice scarf around a cook book, a gardening book or some such fare! And quite often I find some of the best books at the bargain bin at borders, or a used book stores, the latter being a great gift.
7- Vintage clothing- okay those who know me would say everything I have is vintage- But a nice sweater or a bowling shirt makes a great gift (at least to me it does) Can be bought at second hand stores
8- Supplies for a persons hobby- I asked santa for a couple of 10" mag wheel rims, no particular bolt pattern or anything. I got a little project to try. I hope santa listened cause he cold get them at any junk yard. Giving somebody art supplies or if they are like me, junk to make art, is a great gift!
9- For the kids- Wooden Puzzles, or toys that make them think. Last year I gave a couple of my cousins brats some toys they needed to construct- Kits to make crystal radios, Toy Solar powered cars. I love gifts that make kids think and make parents have to help them put it together!
10-Oh yeah- Peace on Earth, Goodwill to men etc., etc.
1 comment:
It's not nice to laugh at our cold weather. Bad Karma, Chile
Goodwill only to men is me being traditional. So goodwill to all and to all a good night
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