Sunday, July 26, 2009

Edible Schoolyards

Time for a rave! The other day I was ranting about community gardens and the lack of cities to provide resources (see land) and the fact the School district doesn't seem to be able to afford landscape maintenance any more and Rick, a fellow blogger and one of my readers made a comment about Alice Waters and her "Edible Schoolyard" program. The Edible Schoolyard can be found in Berkley. Very interesting website- they have online resources for creating edible schoolyards all over the place, lesson plans too. So take a minute and take a look at Alice Waters in a "60 Minutes" interview and read the edible schoolyard website. Thanks for the great tip and link Rick! I think we need some more programs like this!

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Coverse to the Oscars said...

Hey! Will you please follow my blog? =] It is: Have a great day!

Frustrated Farmer Rick said...

Least I could do Rob. I would love to see this as a standard part of any curriculum.

Thanks for the link and keep up the good work.