Saturday, July 25, 2009

Romeo- fashion icon of the pooch world

What are all the cool green dogs wearing this year. Well here we have that Fashionista Romeo sporting his leash, accessorized with his biodegradable "Bags On Board" dispenser, his portable water bowl, a Reusable water bottle and a "chico" bag, in case His owner needs to stop at the pet store and buy treats or toys. All the dogs are wearing them, although Romeo likes to think he is a trendsetter. Hear that Blitzkrieg? How about you Angel and Polie? Tell your owners you need this stuff for good walks!
A pic of what is attached to Romeo's leash- A "Chico" bag, (for shopping) a Yellow collapsible water dish, A "Bag's on Board" dispenser and a stainless steel reusable Water bottle! Rob says carrying all that bling works great for building up his biceps!

1 comment:

Chile said...

Well, we don't have that stuff attached to their leash but for longer walks, we do take a collapsible water bowl and water for ourselves. We always take plastic bags but just stuffed into a pocket. So far, Polie refuses to do his business anywhere but in the back yard - all over the back yard.

Their walks have been short lately, so Angel also has only been going in the back yard. (Short walks due to training that takes up a lot of time. They do best with shorter training periods than trying to drag it out and get everyone frustrated.)

I do think that they should each get a doggie backpack eventually. Now that we have two big dogs, needing water and food in the bug-out bag supplies, I want to get them set up to carry their own in an emergency.