Thursday, May 3, 2012

Farmers' Market Opens Today!!!

You know, what's the big deal about farmers' markets... I go there and can never find any Farmers to buy.

O.K., I know that is not what Farmers' Market means. But I always wanted to use that line in a post. Cheap attempt at humor. So sue me.

Anyway a sure sign of spring, the Burien Farmers' Market opens today!!! Just in time , I am down to my last bar of handmade soap! And boy I need pasta! (I hope the pasta ladies are back... their chocolate pasta makes the best dessert with a little raspberry or blackberry jam mixed in) And it will be great to see all my favorite vendors for another season of local bargains galore! Romeo will have new places to mooch, get to see his buddies, and I will be overindulging on Czech pastries and corn on the cob!

1 comment:

ksteinross said...

Thanks for reminding me that it's open now! Our fridge is very empty after our weeks-long vacation, so I definitely need some groceries and fresh fruit and veg are at the top of my list!!!