I LOVE SERENDIPITY! When the planets allign to give me a subject for a blog post it is so cool!
There was a comment or two yesterday asking how I make red pepper flakes- it is really simple, so this one is for Lisa! (:
First, what I do is spread the peppers in even layers in a food dehydrator. No Dehydrator? I think you have one and don't know it... The Oven! Spread the red peppers in a single layer on a cookie sheet and dry in the oven for 8 hours or overnight at the lowest temperature you oven will allow. If you have a gas oven, the pilot light heat is probably enough.
Remove the red peppers from the oven or dehydrator when they are dry and brittle.
Option A for crushing:
Fill a gallon sized freezer bag with the dried peppers. Put the freezer bag in an old pillowcase.
Use a rolling pin to crush the peppers. Apply pressure as your roll the pin over the bag.
Option B for crushing- Put some of the dried peppers into a food processor or a coffee grinder and process away
Remove them from the bag or food processor when the peppers are crushed as fine as you would like, and store in a container with a shaker top.
Store any extra red pepper flakes in a clean storage bag or jar with a tight fitting lid.
There was a comment or two yesterday asking how I make red pepper flakes- it is really simple, so this one is for Lisa! (:
First, what I do is spread the peppers in even layers in a food dehydrator. No Dehydrator? I think you have one and don't know it... The Oven! Spread the red peppers in a single layer on a cookie sheet and dry in the oven for 8 hours or overnight at the lowest temperature you oven will allow. If you have a gas oven, the pilot light heat is probably enough.
Remove the red peppers from the oven or dehydrator when they are dry and brittle.
Option A for crushing:
Fill a gallon sized freezer bag with the dried peppers. Put the freezer bag in an old pillowcase.
Use a rolling pin to crush the peppers. Apply pressure as your roll the pin over the bag.
Option B for crushing- Put some of the dried peppers into a food processor or a coffee grinder and process away
Remove them from the bag or food processor when the peppers are crushed as fine as you would like, and store in a container with a shaker top.
Store any extra red pepper flakes in a clean storage bag or jar with a tight fitting lid.
Very cool. Ultra cool that you grow all your own veggies and stuff. I just bought some planted herbs from the supermarket and they are dying or dead. Well, I guess herbs are supposed to be dry in the end so now I have really fresh dried herbs. Or something...
Thank you Rob! With your excellent directions I think that even I can make red pepper flakes.
Although I'm MUCH better at making kitchens.
BD- More like I attempt to grow my own- I have many fresh dried herbs out there as well
CB- I know you can do this. And you can come here and remodel my kitchen anytime
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