Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My New Wheels!

How to Celebrate 5 months with no cigarettes???
Well.... lessee... My uncle quit smoking and buys TV's now with the money he saves not buying cigarettes, My aunt buys lotto tickets and goes to the casino. So yesterday I bought one of these bikes I have lusted over for awhile now. A 3 speed Public Bicycle. And a Bell for the bike. Now to build a trailer so Romeo can go too!And I got the matching Bicycle rack but that won't be sent until November:(

And the bell...

PUBLIC Federico Red Brass Bell from PUBLIC Bikes on Vimeo.


Construction Pro said...

Haha that bike is pretty freaking awesome.

The 4 Bushel Farmgal said...

Congrats on doing so well! Very impressive, indeed!

That is a really good looking bike. I see that there's a test ride location in NYC. I'll be out that way this fall. Hmm....