Thursday, August 5, 2010

Bring a Lunch

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Well august is here... time to start thinking about School! It's also time to start thinking about lunches! You know you will save a ton of money if your kids brown bag it. But what to send those great lunches you make in?
There is always the paper bag. Or the plastic grocery bag (if you want your child to get beat up a lot). Or you can make the decision to give Junior or Princess a neat lunch box that makes a statement. Your kid's lunchbox says a lot about them. I know.

The lunch box that gets you beat up!

From experience (I was the kid who had the nerdy plaid lunch box in elementary school and yes got beat up for it) What was my mom thinking?
If I was a kid today I would want a really cool lunch box. has a lot of really cool choices. From a Jimi Hendrix Experience lunchbox to a Roy Rogers Cowboy Lunch Box . They have metal lunchboxes like when we were kids, plastic Bento Boxes and Laptop lunch boxes, tiffin's, and all sorts of reusable lunch bags.
I like the aforementioned Jimi Hendrix, but also they have a really cool lunch bag from the Kid's Konserve series- an all cotton lunch bag with napkin and sandwich wrap,a couple of snack cups and a stainless steel water bottle. Great for an eco-conscience kid. There are also Gator Tots- a company offering up personalized reusable lunch bags, backpacks and stuff.
Speaking of Bento Boxes, there are a lot of them geared for kids. has a good variety of them. And junior can walk around like a little business person with his or her laptop style lunch box. Kind of a bento box redesigned for kids. I am not against a plastic lunch box, as I assume it will be used over and over but if you don't want to give you precious little person a bpa lunch, (NOTE: Laptop Lunch products are BPA Free) there is an alternative to the plastic bento- Planet offers a stainless steel laptop box that even comes with different magnetic stickers so little Picasso can redesign his or her lunch box everyday! And the stickers are not just for the planet box... Happy Tiffin has some unusual shaped steel tiffins to make your child (or adult) happy.
As far as lunchboxes, you could also add some extras like Lunch Bots for holding a sandwich or snacks in. I think the one lunchbot for sandwiches at a price of $15 is the cost of 8 boxes of ziplocks-or an estimated cost savings of over $50 during a school year!
A lot of choices out there. But think about it- this is something a child carries everyday. It should say something about who he is. So take some time before deciding to go out and just buying the first lunch box you see when shopping for school. That way your son or daughter won't end up with the stupid plaid lunch box that makes bigger kids want to beat them up.
And think about getting the adults in your household lunch boxes as well. Tomorrow- how to save $$$ on your lunch box!


Laptop Lunches Bento-ware said...

Hey, Rob. Love your blog! Thanks for sharing and for including Laptop Lunches in your post today. We so appreciate your support! We just wanted to make sure that you knew that all products from Laptop Lunches are BPA free. Period. After all, we are moms, and we insist on no BPA for our own kids and for everyone else's as well.

Robj98168 said...

Amy and Tammy- Love your products.Thanks for making them BPA Free!