Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Propane Tank Exchange

Just a suggestion for your next propane tank... Be it for a grill, heater or in some cases, a generator, I have found that it is much easier to "rent" my tank rather than buy a new one. I just go to the Blue Rhino tank exchange at my local hardware. I have exchanged older tanks that are no longer useable for nice new safe ones. I figure that Blue Rhino, who disposes of old unusable tanks in a responsible manner, is better situated to tell if a tank is safe or not. Right now I have 3 tanks- One for my BBQ, one for the turkey fryer/canning burner, and one for the propane heater for the garage. Anyway, the tanks are interchangeable should one run dry, and I like to keep propane around for emergencies. You never know when the shit is gonna hit the fan!

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