Friday, November 28, 2008

Plumber Man

I love reading The Green Phone Booth . But my apologies to Grean Bean, Burbanmom, MamaBird (aka Jess Trev), The Purloined Letter and The Greeen Sheeep. But I notice something is missing:
Where the hell is the token Man???

I ask you ladies, would the League of Justice be the same without Wonder Woman? Would the fantastic four be fantastic without Invisible Girl/Woman?

Ladies and Gentlemen- I give you my alter-eco-ego

Can unclog plugged toilets with a single plunge, The Plumber Man has those special butt-crack muscles. Able to stop gushing leaks with a simple twist of a Pipe wrench; And he has the ability to fuse together PVC pipe with very little glue, He even has his own song-

Plumber Man (sung to the tune of "Spider Man")
Plumber man, plumber man,
Can make it flush like no one can
Stop a Leak? He’ll give it a try-
No more drips, now it’s dry
Look out here comes the Plumber Man
Now I am not giving a resume, nor am I applying for membership into the green phone booth but please remember that not all green super heroes are female!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it!!! You made me laugh out loud.