I had to have Binky put to sleep today. He wasn't doing well with no teeth. He wasn't eating much- and it took him forever to do it!
Anyway- I still have Sammy Cat and Spike-oh yeah To-spaz- Sammy is still fairly young but Spike is getting up there in years too and is going blind and deaf, so I am thinking not much future there. If only pets could be young and hang around for awhile! Well, Binky was a good yorkie and a great bed warmer. I got Binky just after my last yorkie, Max, passed on. Binky was a rescue- as is Spike, Sammy and the Spaz. Unlike Max, He wasn't very social, not liking most people and not a great friend of most other dogs, cats etc. But he and Spike were unseperable. He was like Spikes eyes and ears and Spike was like his mouth/teeth. And he and my cats always got along. MOstly a live and let live kind of arrangement.!
Godspeed little dog!
I am sorry you lost the wee one Rob, it is always hard when our pets pass, they are like family.
What a cutie! I'm so sorry Rob - not, not, not easy to lose a pet. Bedwarming is a skill both our little critters have down. ; ) It sounds like he had a very happy life.
Oh, I am so sorry. I know I've said unkind things about him in the past, but I do know the sorrow of losing a pet. We get so attached to our pets - especially the dogs. It's good he had you to take care of him.
I am sorry to hear about Binky.
I'm sorry to hear! Pets have a special place in our hearts.
I'm so sorry to hear about Binky. My thoughts are with you.....
So sorry to hear about Binky. My thoughts are with you
I'm so sorry to hear it. Sending good thoughts.
I am so sorry about the loss of your pet.
Luka is my first pet, so I can't imagine how hard it must be.
I hope you feel better.
So sad, I am sorry that you lost your friend.
Ah. Bye bye Binky. Little cutie. Humans cry when little animals die. Are we the only species that does it? How beautiful and sad at the same time.
I'm really sorry, Rob! I lost my kitty a few months ago and know how hard it is to have an animal put to sleep. Virtual hug to you.
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