Also I read in Marie's Gardening Blog about how to raise future gardeners. The one that caught my eye was Bonnie Plants Annual Third Grade Cabbage Growing Program To quote Marie on it:
"Participating 3rd graders will receive a free Bonnie O.S. Cross cabbage to plantGets me thinking... Hey! I got a school down the street... maybe I need to go talk to the third grade teachers about getting involved with this. Or maybe not. Not that I am shy. But I cannot stand sitting in those little chairs! We'll see what the week brings!
grow and nurture. These are big cabbages that can get up to 50 pounds, so
there's an air of excitement for a small kid growing one of these. At the end of
the season, schools select the best cabbage, based on size and appearance. That
student's name is then included in a statewide drawing. Each state's winner is
chosen in a random drawing , by the Commission of Agriculture. The winners get a
$1,000 scholarship to put toward their education. Last year, 1.5 million
students participated in 45 states. That's Ohio State Winner, Dakota Gurney,
with his champion cabbage. I sure hope Dakota likes cabbage".
Hi Rob,
This may be the perfect time for such a proposal to the school. Especially since Michelle Obama promotes teaching children about healthy and organic food!
I think it would be fun!
Thanks for the link!
Could I get the recipe for curried carrot and apple soup? Sounds delicious!
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