Saturday marked the annual Boo In Burien, where little Goblins and Their dogs get dressed up in their finest Trick or treat fare and get treated to loads of fun and candy or dog treats by the local businesses in Burien.

Romeo all happy in his Cat get up.

Romeo's pals all spooked out for the day

"OMG... I can't believe I have to wear this stupid hat!"

Towns of kids trick or treating the businesses as an alternative to the houses

Complete the day with a hayride.
There where a lot of things to do including a haunted Chiropractors Office, Kid's Costume Parade, Dog costume Parade, Weiner Dog Races and Candy, Candy, Candy!
It looks like Romeo had fun. I hope he got lots of treats!
What a great gathering! Romeo and all his pals look so cute :)
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