Friday, June 24, 2011


Having a mini stay-cation for the next few days. Romeo and I went to the WestCrest Dog park in Seattle, and just puttered around the garden(s)

Having a drink with the guys at the Canine Cantina at Westcrest Dog Park
zuchinni in blossom
WINDOW BOX KITTY- Sammy Kat approves of the window box
Garlic- or why my house smells like Luigi's Pizzeria! This was part of my garlic harvest!
My tomatoes happy in their Self watering planters
Tomatoes in my Community garden plot
My DIY topsy turvey planters


Fleecenik Farm said...

Your gardens looks so great!

Green Bean said...

First off, why is everyone else' zucchini blooming but mine? And you are in freaking Seattle!!!

Second, those topsy turvy planters with the cat tails hanging out are the funniest things I've seen this week. Hilarious!