Friday, June 30, 2017

A New Day

Things are looking up for "papi" (a nickname from one of my bartenders, Austin, whom I love to pieces). I spent the, will go o close of the bar, with Jake, the manager, and can actually say I think I can do this! While he was counting out his till, I spent the time going over the food shopping and liquor shopping lists. The one thing I am truly good at is shopping.... anyhow, I figured the liquor out myself, Devin, our head cook, made out the food shopping list for me. Anyway, I know what I need, and tomorrow morning go and get the items needed at the "Cash and Carry", and get those things off my list! That and I had a really good time with Jake bullshitting about the bar business, restaurants and other non-related stuff. I actually for a second felt happy and secure with myself, something I haven't felt in a long time. that and I got a text from mone of the bartenders, Nell, my goddess in blue jeans,saying how much she appreciated me and our "dysfunctional family" and everything I am doing running the bar... small potatoes maybe, but hearing it from a seasoned veteran like Nell means so much! Anyway I feel the best I have felt for the last couple of months so for that I am grateful!

1 comment:

The 4 Bushel Farmgal said...

Hi Rob! I am so envious of your new career. As co-owner you get to learn about the business and make decisions, and you've got some pros there to work with. And you can have some fun at work! Wishing you all the best in your new endeavour :)