Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Weekly Challenge Update

Independence Days Challenge Year 4, Week 17
Well hell we had a week of good weather and my Chinese cabbage bolted. Luxky for me, It still tastes good and the flowers add a pretty to salad. I use it in omelets and such so is okay. Still I am up to my ears in the stuff!
Plant something-
In the greenhouse: Started some Dragon’s Tongue Beans- they seem to grow better started than just planted.
In the community garden plot: Kale
Planted at home- Kale , radishes, chard
Harvest something: Harvested- My Chinese Cabbage bolted, (just a week of warm weather!) so pretty much got all of it out before I plant more
Preserve something: nothing
Community: Supporting my Cousin’s family effort- they are putting on a concert to benefit American Cancer Society featuring Jason Wyatt
Preparation: Purchased a new frost proof Hose Bibb (spigot) for the front.
Eat the food/eat something new: Chinese cabbage salad, omelets featuring Chinese Cabbage
Waste not: Scavenged a delivery box - perfect Sq. foot garden planter
Want not: Purchased a new frost proof Hose Bibb (spigot) for the front, some lumber for the bike shed

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