Sunday, March 20, 2016

Doggy Meat Cake

Romeo's Birthday is coming up on Thursday and he will be 11. So I am going to throw him a party at the BuTCh dog park!I needed a cake recipe for it so I adapted my puppy meat loaf recipe:

Doggy Meat Cake
1 lb, ground beef Or Chicken or Lamb (depending on your dog's dietary needs)
1 cup of cooked brown rice
1 cup of finely diced carrots or  mixed peas and carrots (frozen is just fine)
2 eggs

Mix all together and mold into a shape or use a baking pan*, bake at 350 for 45 minutes, remove from oven, let cool

Frost with Mashed potatoes!

*I used a cupcake pan, make sure you spray pan with cooking spray (PAM) Then put the cup cake in the papers when they were cool and frosted!

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