Monday, August 22, 2011

Surely You Joust...

Well what I don't do for bike racks. Last Friday was the inaugural Pie Joust in Burien- I was a participant- I didn't win unless you call getting pummeled in the kisser with a paper plate full of hand made whipped cream a win. An excuse for a messy fun event... I actually had two tries, The first resulted in a "Re-Joust" the second I dropped my pie and in the spirit of the rules rode on to get pummeled, so the Ref declared a duel- off the bikes, back to back, One step turn and Splat! Being short that was my downfall... LOL It took John"Da Organizer" Nelson 3 attempts to bring Captain Pie Hole down! It was put on by the B-Townies a group advocating and raising money for bike racks in Burien, something there is a serious lack of. Oh well... for a good cause...
From the B-town Blog "Splat Cam"

And from the Seattle Times:

1 comment:

Tony said...

Looks like a fun event. But I may be biased toward this type of entertainment by my high intake of The Three Stooges during childhood!