Monday, July 25, 2011

Garden- Success and Failure

Some Oregon Springs tomatoes growing in the topsy turvy.
Oregon Spring seems to be a more successful variety for upside down growing!

This year, as always I tried some new things and methods with my garden, Here is quick recap on my successes and failures:


Amaranth- Everyone told me "No, No, No, it won’t grow". But of course I did not listen. I started my amaranth in the green house, while not as fast as I would like, it is now planted and growing.

Mushrooms- Started in a kit from Back to the roots, The first crop came up and was harvested in 10 days. Second crop taking a bit more time… But I am calling it a success!

Window Box Romas And The Window Planter Box- While not new, this is the first time I have successfully started my own from seed. In fact I started about half of my tomatoes this year from seed. The big test is can I save the seeds and start my own? They are a perfect match for the planter box I built, nice to have something besides a cherry tomato growing!

Green House- I would call using a green house to start plants a success, depending on if one has the patience for things to start germinating and growing. I plan on building something a little more permanent this year, rather than the giant Ziplock bag I now call a green house!


Agretti: I was so looking forward to this. I started in the green house and 0% germination. Sob! Maybe next year!

Chamomile: Always in search for something to make teas from, I was hoping to start my own Chamomile, but they failed.

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